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so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.


>> Thursday, August 27, 2009

So I realize it's been a few days since I posted, but know that I would have rather written a million blogs than what has been occupying my time for the past few days. It's potty training time at our house . . . and it hasn't been going well. At all. And it's not because our precious little one isn't capable. Not at all. Have you ever heard of the strong willed child? We have her. Her name is Addy. She is the model child for Dobson's book. Perhaps I should send her picture in for the newest addition. And, after days of sitting for hours on end with Addy, reading the same books over and over again in the bathroom and joyfully (no, not really) cleaning up pee-pee off of the floors as I pray that God will shower His mercy upon us and restrain my hands from strangling someone or throwing something, I have learned a few things.

Every child is different. And, in our family, DIFFERENT is an understatement.
I cannot listen to those precious moms who mean well but only make me feel guilty when my
child hasn't mastered a certain skill (like potty training), but their child has . . . in a day.
I have to take the time to just sit still and know that God will order my day and allow me to accomplish what is important. Sometimes, cleaning the bathroom on Tuesday (yes, I have certain days that I clean certain things) isn't as important as sitting with your child and reading endless stories.
I am so eternally grateful for the opportunity to do such nasty, horrrible things like potty training. I hate it. I think it's torture. I would rather staple my head to the floor. BUT, I realize how many people would love to clean up pee-pee off of the floor just seconds after removing the screaming child from the potty. I am so blessed to have two little girls who are so very normal and extraordinary at the same time.
Today, God has encouraged me. We haven't had any accidents. So what - I know it's only 1:52 in the afternoon, but if you knew where we were, this is monumentous. We went for DAYS just anticipating putting ONE sticker on the potty sticker chart . . . We have placed three, yes THREE princess stickers on the chart today. Oh happy day!


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