
>> Friday, September 23, 2011

Holy Cow. I photographed the most stunning baby boy the other day with the most hair I have ever seen. EVAH. He seriously needed a haircut! Do you see the hair over his ears? Can you stand it? I'm certain my girls didn't have close to that much hair until they were, oh, 3 or so. Totally amazing.


>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So I was doing a photo shoot for a different family out a most stunning barn, and, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of this blue horse trailer. Of course, I found this at the end of the photo shoot as the melt downs were occurring so I couldn't use it. BUT, I had another client out at the same location a few days ago, and I decided to BEGIN at the blue horse trailer. And, despite the fact that my little clients were eating apples as I snapped away, I LOVE the way the color pops. Have I mentioned how much I love color. LOVE IT. I really believe it makes or breaks pictures. So wear a little more color to your next session. A red necklace, an orange pair of shoes (sidenote: I have 3 pairs of orange shoes), a purple scarf, a pink tutu (side note: my girls have far too many tutus), a bright blue tie . . .



>> Saturday, September 17, 2011

There's just something about pigtails and dimples. I'm not sure what the lure is for me, but I just love 'em. Lucky for me, this family had the CUTEST little girl with pigtails and a sweet boy with deep dimples. Oh, and two amazingly gorgeous sisters as well. LOVE!



>> Friday, September 16, 2011

In the afternoons, Addy likes to read to me while I work on editing pictures. This particular afternoon, she had chosen some books from my bookshelf in the office. I didn't really pay attention to what she picked out until this convo took place:

Addy: "What does 's-e-x' spell?

Me: (almost falling out of my chair and gasping for breath and all of a sudden very hot on this unusually cool day) "WHAT?"

Addy: "It's right here. I don't know this word."

Me: "This book has to be put away. It's not really appropriate for 4 year olds."

Addy: "Why not?"

Me: Hoping if I ignore the conversation, she'll drop it. She does. Praise the Lord.

Just for all of you who have your mind in the gutter at this point and are totally judging what books I have to read, the book was called "Old Enough to Know" by Michael W. Smith. It was given to us as a white elephant gift last Christmas. It's a book that addresses having "The Talk" with your teenager. NOT with your four year old. I'm finally breathing again. . .



>> Wednesday, September 14, 2011

There's is no sweeter sound in the world to me than laughter. Especially my two girls' laughter. These two sisters had a fabulous laugh session too, and this picture is a new fave of mine. Take time to laugh. As much as you can. As loud as you can. With whoever you can.