

About Me

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so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.


>> Friday, August 7, 2009

I had the privilege again of photographing one ADORABLE little boy that I remembered vividly because of his beautiful blond curls. Can you stand it?? His parents were in town, and I was THRILLED to have the opportunity to photograph him and his beautiful family. Thankfully, the weather cooperated (not so much for my session last night . . . more to come), and we had a beautiful evening out at Palmetto Bluff. I'm super excited because when this family comes back next year, there will be TWO! Congratulations, guys!

On a side note, we welcomed Anna, our new fish, yesterday. Addy picked out a fish that doesn't really look anything like Howard and that's probably good. I think I would have flashbacks of Howard sliding down the sink and hear the disposal running each time. UGH. Animal lover, I am not, apparently. And neither is Addy. She sloshed poor Anna around at the store until I thought we would have to replace her before I ever got her home. Thankfully, Anna, the fish, has destressed and seems to be adjusting well.


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