

About Me

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so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.

{so cooperative . . . and so uncooperative}

>> Friday, July 3, 2009

So I decided to play around with my one and only prime lens (it's a lens without a zoom on it . . . in case you were curious) and, of course, my favorite little subjects were most cooperative . . . and uncooperative. Can anyone guess who was who? So, I go into Delaney's room first, and she is busy working on yet another song book but pauses all of her hard work to let me snag a few photos of her sweet face. I play with my f-stop, with the lower numbers really allowing me to focus just on her face and put everything else out of focus and the higher numbers putting everything in focus. Perfect. One down, one to go. I approach Addy's room and she immediately looks at my camera and begins to cry . . . sob, even. She yells, "DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE. I DON'T WANT YOU TO TAKE MY PICTURE. DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE" . . . you get the idea. So, I did what any good mom with a camera would do. I took her picture. Actually, I took several pictures because, guess what, you can't photoshop THAT. Not every picture has to be all smiley and perfect because it wouldn't capture everything about a person. That's one thing that I absolutely LOVE about photography . . . Capturing such a wide range of emotions, especially from precious kids who are so unassuming and aren't performing for the camera. The results are up above.


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