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so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.


>> Monday, January 11, 2010

Have you ever had one of those days where you totally realized that what you were doing was irrational, and, yet, it was as if you couldn't stop yourself? (I know, I know. I COULD have stopped myself. Thank you.)

So, here are a few examples of my irrational behavior.
1.) I am vacumming the floors, and I see a light bright. I loathe the light bright that I bought for Delaney for Christmas. (Yes, I bought it. I know. Stupid purchase.) I find at least 4 light brights a day on the floor. And I step on them. So, instead of picking it up, I vacuum it up. Just like that.
2.) I begin to sort through the basket full of mail and coupons. I'm overwhelmed. I begin to throw piles away rather than sort through them. I come to my coupon envelope and am totally aware of how poorly I have done in collecting coupons. So I throw the whole stinkin' envelope away. Just like that. (Some Coupon Moms have just passed out. Don't worry, already. I'll get another one. Next month.)
3.) We load up to head home after yet another fun filled trip to Michael's. Again, I repeat. NOT A KIDS' STORE. AT ALL. THEY MUST TOUCH EVERYTHING. MANY THINGS ARE BREAKABLE. I'm starting to back up and the light flashes, accompanied by beeping, to alert me that one of the doors is ajar. I continue to back up and ignore the warnings. (My van is a whole 'nother post. It's the quirkiest car I ever met.) I just want to go home. And then I realize that, gasp, it's one of the side doors that is more than just slightly ajar. It's got a slight breeze coming through. I go to shut it, completely frustrated, and I slam it. Hard. And then I kick it. Hard. And now my foot hurts. Just like that.
4.) I get playdough out for the girls and our precious friends to play with. (That's irrational in and of itself, as the playdough must be inside because it is FRIGID outside.) Delaney drops some of her playdough on the carpet, and I rapidly collect everyone's playdough and decide to throw the whole container away. I can't take anything else falling on the floor. So, I hurl the entire tub o playdough in with the coupon envelope. Just like that.
5.) I am frustrated that I have accomplished very little of my chore list and decide to start vacumming WHILE THE KIDS ARE STILL EATING. Clearly I will have to return, but, at the time I don't care. And then, I get all huffy when I have to come back and re-vacuum. Like I didn't realize I was going to have to come back, given the fact that Dorito's were one of the fine choices on the menu.

Sadly, that's just a portion. But you see what I mean. It's irrational, people. I need serious help.


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