

About Me

My photo
so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.


>> Monday, February 1, 2010

I got to photograph a most handsome, squishy baby the other day. He was absolutely adorable, and I just wanted to pinch him all over! Can you stand his cuteness??
His mom and I were wondering when cellulite (the squishiness) is no longer cute. Sadly, I'm sure that 30 has to be the cut off, if not before. No one goes around telling me how cute my squishiness is. Bummer.


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