
>> Monday, November 9, 2009

So the good news is that my voice has almost returned. (Well, some consider that good news, others, not so much.) Meanwhile, I feel like I'm malfunctioning, due to a lack of sleep, a loss of brain cells (seriously, ever since I delivered my first child, they have been disappearing at rapid rates), and trying to take on the world. But it's come to my attention that I am not super woman. Malfunctions happen. My brand new camera lens didn't operate as I thought and great pictures had to be trashed. Malfunction. I tried to put the cereal box in the refrigerator and the milk in the pantry. Malfunction. I thought I could get away with throwing some of my girls' artwork away while they weren't looking. Little did I know they would rifle through the trash like a bunch of racoons and be seriously devastated that I would even think to throw away their latest masterpieces. Malfunction. Addy apparently needed to touch many, many things on her way to wash her covered-in-all-kinds-of-paint hands off. Malfunction. I showed up for a photo appointment, only to realize it had been scheduled for next week. Malfunction. And the list could go on . . . and on . . . and on.

So for all of you out there who secretly try to don a super woman cape and pretend that you can do it all, I just think God has to be tickled. Because God will humble you. You will fall on your tail, sprawled out in front of clients you've never met before and then try to pull it off like it never happened, even though everyone is trying desperately not to laugh. Oh wait, that's me. He doesn't expect us to be superwomen. We're just women. And in His eyes, we're just sheep. And if you've ever done any research on sheep, it's just not a flattering comparison. But thank goodness for our Shepherd. The ultimate superhero. May He come and save your day . . . He's saved my life! Enjoy the latest batch of the most beautiful people. What a COOL job I have!


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