
>> Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm a rule follower. Always have been. My dad used to ASK me to get in trouble. He would promise to pick me up if I would just break a rule or get a little crazy. Not gonna happen. I follow the rules. I hate to get in trouble. It's just not in my nature. So, today, when I got into some trouble not once but twice, you can imagine how sad I was. Here's how it went down.

I was at Palmetto Bluff with the sweetest, cutest couple doing some maternity shots (SO fun) when a lady walks out and inquires what I'm doing. I think it's pretty clear, given the large camera around my neck and two precious people smiling at me, but I explain that I'm taking pictures. She has her phone out, calling security. I'm turning red. I'm so upset. I explain that I take pictures out here frequently, and I've never had a problem. She's not convinced. So, I just ask my sweet couple to travel with me to another spot. I'm praying that security doesn't come blaring after me. At our next spot, all goes well until I hear a loud tapping on the window and see a man shaking his finger at me. Oh goodness. Now I'm beyond flustered, as a lady come out and, again, inquires as to what I'm doing. Little did I know that this was HER sidewalk, and I was, apparently, damaging her plants. Ugh. She said that we broke one of her flowers, but I assured her that we did not. Again, we move. Again, I'm awaiting security to come tearing after me and haul me away. They do not. But every time I heard footsteps, I was ready to just melt into a puddle of tears. Not only that, but I had another shoot directly after this one, and I was just so afraid that they would for sure kick me out before I could meet my next appointment. Remember, I'm a rule follower. I'm so flustered that I forget my camera bag and all of a sudden cannot remember how to put on a lens, which I've done thousands of times. I want to go home. I want my mommy. I do not want to get in trouble.
Long story, long, security does pull around, but it doesn't come after me. Shew. So, Palmetto Bluff ladies, I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I hope you'll let me come back anyway. I promise I'll follow the rules. Pinky swear.

Meanwhile, I had the pleasure of photographing this beauty the other day. No rules were broken in the process.


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