

About Me

My photo
so as much as i'd love to have photoshop for my life, it just isn't going to happen. so here I go, blogging about my life, my photography . . . in a non-photoshopped sort of way. life can get pretty messy, but I am thankful that my God is always there, no matter how imperfect and flawed I may be.


>> Monday, October 19, 2009

I had the utmost privilege of photographing a local preschool the other day, and I LOVED it. I think preschoolers are a RIOT, and I had SO much fun! (I also needed a nap afterwards!) These kiddos were a blast to photograph, and I am praying that God will open some more preschool doors (hint, hint to anyone out there with a preschooler), as I think I would just love to do more preschools. Can you stand the preciousness?

P.S. I am drowing in a sea of unedited pictures. I will try and resurface when I can. :-)


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