
>> Saturday, February 12, 2011

So the other week, the topic of "what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-up" came up between my two little girls. For whatever reason, my girls are fascinated with restaurants. I really have no idea why. Whatever the reason, Delaney declares that she will be a Kobe food worker, playing that part of Jasmine, costume and all. For those of you unfamiliar with Kobe, it is a Japanese style restaurant where they come and cook at your table with lots of fire and fun. We took Willy to Kobe for his birthday, and ever since, Delaney has been fascinated. Obsessed, really. Anyway, I wanted to make sure I understood Delaney, so I said, "So, you want to cook with all of the fire in a Jasmine outfit?" A most assured "yes." For those of you unfamiliar with a Jasmine costume, it requires a good amount of belly showing with basically a bikini top and then parachute pants from the eighties. For those of you unfamiliar with the Powell genetic make up, we are not really the belly showing type. At least, we shouldn't be. And, with fire involved, I'm thinking this may not be the wisest choice of outfit. Of course,

Addy must put in her two cents as well, so she declares that she will be working at an underwater Chic-Fil-A with a water slide, playing the part of Ariel. Now, I must give it to Addy that she might just be onto something. An underwater Chic-Fil-A? I wonder if it's ever been brought up. Of course, there's the minor issues of how do people breathe, how does the food stay dry, how do you even cook the food . . . But, again, minor details. Now, I'm sure most of you are familiar with an above ground Chic-Fil-A. For those of you unfamiliar with Ariel's costume, it also requires a good amount of belly showing and then there's the whole mermaid tale trade for legs. Refer to reason above for why this is not a good idea.

We'll continue to discuss.


Unknown February 12, 2011 at 5:07 PM  

Ah the dreams of children...and the fact that they see no obstacles to get in the way!! I'm thinking we could all take a lesson from that. Also thinking about how "with God, nothing shall be impossible". Not sure He will put His stamp of approval on the underground Chick Fil-a, but it's not because He couldn't!!!! I love my grandkids so much!!!

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