
>> Friday, February 18, 2011

I wanted to feature some oh so fabulous picture frames that I've just discovered! Aren't they so fun? So here's the deal . . . they are a bit pricey, BUT for those of you considering a canvas, I highly recommend that you think about investing in a really amazing frame instead. Then, as your kiddos change (because they do . . . ALL of the time!), you can just switch out the picture rather than having this big ol' canvas that no longer looks like you're kiddo(s). Does that make sense? I'd much rather have a frame that I can keep up forever and paying $15-$20 to replace the print. I've ordered several sample frames in a couple of super fun colors, so if you're interested in looking closer at them, they should be in by the second week in March! I'd love for you to swing by and see them up close and personal! What do you guys think?


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