
>> Monday, October 24, 2011

While most retail stores have had their Christmas stuff out for a while, it's still not quite real here. For one, it's been 80+ degrees until just recently so sweating and Christmas just don't quite go together. Plus, I'm more distracted by the Halloween candy, since we're still a week away from that. And somehow Thanksgiving almost gets passed over each year, and I think it's one of the best holidays ever. Because of the nature of my work, the Christmas season really kicks into high gear about this time, as everyone has just realized that Christmas cards must be done . . . now. Don't get me wrong, I'm most grateful for this little photography business has allowed me the great privilege to stay home with my girlies, do various ministries, be flexible with my schedule . . . the list goes on and on. Oh, and all of the reasons above . . . aren't my clients the most beautiful clients EVER? I am so very blessed.


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