
>> Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm not sure how many of you actually follow this blog and so anticipate the next posting, but, if you do, you've noticed by now that poor old blog has been neglected. BIG TIME. And it's not for a lack on things to post about. In fact, I've got enough for 1,000 posts - at least. Just no time to do it. You see, about 3 weeks ago, God brought a miracle into the Powell household in the form of two beautiful children who were in search of some love. The story in itself is just amazing, as it's only something God can do. And now, we are doing something that cannot be done without our God. For this is not easy. Nor is it always comfortable. I'm not big on change. I don't mind eating the same thing for breakfast - day after day after day. I've done the same 2 workouts for the last 7 months - day after day after day. I'm big on routines. I'm realizing that I find security in these things. Which is why God decided to rock my world (and the entire Powell house). He likes to do these kinds of things, I think. Because He loves me.

So, what you see is postings from about a bazillion sessions, with lots more to come!! This happens to be one of the busiest times of the year for me. So, amongst all of the absolute chaos, I have been desperately trying to keep up with all of the editing, extremely grateful for amazing (and patient!) clients. God always provides. Always. And this little photography business is living proof.


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